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المبادئ التوجيهية لتحسين رفاهية القوى العاملة في مجال الرعاية الصحية


  • Five guiding principles for improving health care workforce well-being
  • Insights and experiences from health care organizations that participated in the Workplace Change Collaborative

The Workplace Change Collaborative, funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), aimed to support 44 grantee organizations in the United States to improve mental health, reduce burnout, and address moral injury for health and public safety workers and learners. For three years (2022–2024), leaders from health care organizations, universities, non-profits, and professional associations implemented evidence-based strategies to reduce burnout, suicide, and mental health conditions, as well as to promote resiliency and well-being among health and public safety workers and learners.

From this work, five guiding principles emerged for organizations seeking to initiate or advance workforce well-being interventions. This document provides detail on the five guiding principles along with insights and experiences from grantee organizations that participated in the Workplace Change Collaborative.


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