
Driving Health Care Forward Through Insights and Innovations

In large systems and small villages, we have taken improvement methods and applied them to improving all aspects of health and health care.
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IHI Health and Health Care Consulting

We use improvement science to advance and sustain better outcomes in health and health care across the world.

9 Million

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Age-Friendly Health Systems

We build improvement capability by providing people with methods and tools to make care better.

IHI conferences

We convene and create connections to enable knowledge sharing and peer learning for system-wide improvement.

IHI Consulting

We partner with you to improve health and health care at all levels of your system.

James Laughton, MD

Hamad Medical Corporation

Hamad Medical Corporation

"The quality of IHI's content and learning continues to be inspiring."

Angela Kramer

Director, Ba​yCare Health System

Director, Ba​yCare Health System

"The best conference in health care."

Ann Lewis

Chief Executive Officer, CareSouth Carolina, Inc.

Chief Executive Officer, CareSouth Carolina, Inc.

"The opportunity to gather with folks who are like-minded around ‘let’s do something, let’s make something happen’."

Jo Evans

Senior Improvement Advisor, Haelo

Senior Improvement Advisor, Haelo

"IHI is a world leader in its field."

IHI Science of Improvement - Triple Aim Whiteboard

Science of Improvement Methodology

IHI applies practical improvement science and methods to improve and sustain performance in health and health systems across the world. We generate optimism, harvest fresh ideas, and strengthen local capabilities.
Our Approach