Driving Health Care Forward Through Insights and Innovations

We use improvement science to advance and sustain better outcomes in health and health care across the world.
9 Million
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Age-Friendly Health Systems
We build improvement capability by providing people with methods and tools to make care better.
IHI Open School
IHI Open School online courses include 35+ continuing education credits for nurses, physicians, and pharmacists, as well as a Basic Certificate in Quality and Safety.
Training programs are designed to foster collaborative learning and hands-on experiences, ensuring that you gain practical skills and insights.
Access IHI Open School
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We convene and create connections to enable knowledge sharing and peer learning for system-wide improvement.
IHI’s world-class conferences offer opportunities to learn the latest improvement ideas, connect with like-minded colleagues, and generate momentum for change in your organization.
IHI networks are designed to meet both unique needs and shared purpose, amplifying opportunities for vanguard improvement leaders and organizations to impact and transform health and health care.

We partner with you to improve health and health care at all levels of your system.
Our experienced consultants provide you with the methods, tools, and best practices to address the challenges your organization faces.
IHI initiatives are typically large in scale, set ambitious improvement goals, test innovations, spread best practices, and focus on achieving system-wide transformation.
IHI offers a wealth of free tools, white papers, publications, audio and video, insights, and other resources to support your efforts to improve health care quality and safety.
James Laughton, MD
Hamad Medical Corporation
Hamad Medical Corporation
"The quality of IHI's content and learning continues to be inspiring."
Angela Kramer
Director, BayCare Health System
Director, BayCare Health System
"The best conference in health care."
Ann Lewis
Chief Executive Officer, CareSouth Carolina, Inc.
Chief Executive Officer, CareSouth Carolina, Inc.
"The opportunity to gather with folks who are like-minded around ‘let’s do something, let’s make something happen’."
Jo Evans
Senior Improvement Advisor, Haelo
Senior Improvement Advisor, Haelo
"IHI is a world leader in its field."