IHI Patient Safety Congress FAQs

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IHI Patient Safety Congress FAQs

What is the location of the IHI Patient Safety Congress?

The location of the IHI Patient Safety Congress on March 10–11, 2025, is:

Paradise Point Resort & Spa
1404 Vacation Road
San Diego, CA 92109

Is there an IHI room block at the conference hotel?

The IHI room block at the Paradise Point Resort closed on February 14.

What are the IHI Congress hours?

View the full agenda

What meals are provided?

Breakfast and lunch are provided during the General Conference. Snacks and refreshments are provided during the evening receptions.

View the full agenda with meals and times noted 

How do I register for IHI Congress sessions or change my current selections? 

You can select your sessions when registering for the conference. If you elect to change your selected sessions, you can either do so through the IHI mobile app or by logging into your registration via the following link:

In the IHI mobile app, click the Agenda module and then click into any session that notes registration required below the title. If you scroll down within the session, there will be a “Register” button to register for a session if there is room or “Unregister” if you currently are registered for that session and wish to remove it from your agenda. 

How can I find what IHI Congress paid events and/or sessions I am registered for?

IHI Congress sessions for which you are registered are listed in the IHI mobile app. Within the Agenda module is a tab for My Agenda, which lists all sessions for which you are registered or are automatically included with your registration.

How do I download the IHI mobile app?

The IHI mobile app provides access IHI Patient Safety Congress information, including daily agenda, session descriptions, presenter biographies, networking events, and more.

  1. Go to either the iOS App Store or Google Play Store and search “IHI Conferences.”
  2. Download the “IHI Conferences” app and click “Open” when finished.
  3. Once you are in the app, log in with the email you used to register for Congress and your last name.
  4. Click “2025 IHI Congress” that appears in the list of both past and future IHI events you may have attended.
  5. You will now be in the IHI mobile app to access all conference information and materials.

How do I access the IHI Congress virtual lobby?

The IHI Congress virtual lobby is accessible at the following link:


Log in with the email used to register for the IHI Congress and your last name.

Where can I find session materials?

In the IHI mobile app or virtual lobby within the presentation materials section. If a session is not listed, then materials are not available. 

Are recordings available from IHI Congress sessions?

Yes, recordings for all mainstage sessions (Keynote and general sessions) and Innovation Theater sessions will be available in the IHI Congress virtual lobby within a week after the conclusion of the conference.

How do I claim Continuing Education Credits?

Instructions on how to claim Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) and receiving certificates can be found here. The deadline to complete surveys and claim credits is April 17, 2025.

How do I connect to WiFi during the IHI Congress?

Connect to Network: IHI Congress

Password: SanDiego25

Network and password are case sensitive

Where do I pick up my attendee badge?

Badge pick-up for full-day workshops on Sunday, March 9 is available in the Sunset Foyer from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

Sunday, March 9: Badge pick-up for the General Conference is available starting at 4:00 PM PT in the Sunset Foyer. Note: Previous communications stated this would be in the Paradise Foyer.

Monday, March 10: Badge pick-up for the General Conference is available starting at 7:00 AM PT in the Paradise Foyer (right in the main entrance to the Conference Center).

Can my guest attend the conference or related events?

No, registration is required for all events during the 2025 IHI Congress. Badges will be needed when checking in for sessions and special events.

Will there be luggage storage at the event?

Yes, bag check will be available during the General Conference. Please check your daily emails and this space for exact room locations during the conference.

Why am I not receiving IHI Congress emails?

If you're not getting IHI Congress emails, we request that you inform your IT department that you did not receive an expected email from the ihi.org domain. Ask them to add ihi.org to your organization's safe sender list, so that you receive future email correspondence from IHI.

Still have questions about the IHI Congress?

If the answer is not included in our FAQs, during the IHI Patient Safety Congress please go to the conference information desk for assistance or locate a Blue Shirt staff member onsite.


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