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"What Matters to You?" Conversation Guide for Improving Joy in Work

With burnout and staff turnover in health care continuing to rise at alarming rates, this resource is intended to help leaders guide conversations with colleagues about “What matters to you?” — Step 1 of the Four Steps for Leaders, described in detail in the IHI White Paper, IHI Framework for Improving Joy in Work.


  • Purpose and principles of the guide
  • Specific questions to guide conversations, along with "do, don't, and steps to try" guidance

With burnout and staff turnover in health care continuing to rise at alarming rates, leaders are seeking ways to improve joy in work.

This resource can help leaders understand what's meaningful to staff and the factors that contribute to burnout by asking, “What matters to you?” These conversations are Step 1 of the Four Steps for Leaders, which you can read about in detail in the IHI White Paper, IHI Framework for Improving Joy in Work.

As part of an organization's efforts to improve joy in work, the guide assists senior leaders in engaging in effective, meaningful conversations with colleagues to understand:

  • What matters to you in daily work?
  • How to build on assets: What helps make a good day? When we are at our best, what does that look like?
  • What gets in the way of a good day?

How to Get Ready for "What Matters to You?" Conversations


Download "What Matters to You?" Conversation Guide

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