Build Capability on Quality Improvement Methodology

IHI Consulting Services: Build Capability on Quality Improvement Methodology

Build Capability on Quality Improvement Methodology

Building capability entails strengthening the improvement knowledge and skills in your organization to maximize the potential for effective and sustainable improvement. The IHI improvement science “dosing” approach ensures that your staff and leaders receive the appropriate level of improvement knowledge, methods, and skills to meet strategic goals.

To build capability for improvement science, organizations need to create the conditions and support required to produce the desired improvements or results.

IHI’s “dosing approach” for quality improvement capability helps clarify the varying level of QI expertise needed across an organization, and how to sequence the development of these key resources to meet your strategic aims. IHI’s model of building capability includes targeted training programs with ongoing coaching and mentorship. 

We can help your organization build improvement capability within one team or area as well as support organization-wide capability building — from the point of care to the highest levels of leadership, including point-of-care staff, service line leaders, safety and quality team members, patients and families, senior leaders, and board members.

Building Improvement Science Capability: IHI "Dosing" Approach


Ready to build improvement capability to achieve strategic goals?

IHI's approach provides targeted quality improvement training programs with ongoing coaching and mentorship.

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