Age-Friendly Health Systems

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Age-Friendly Health Systems

According to the US Census Bureau, the US population aged 65+ years is expected to nearly double over the next 30 years, from 43.1 million in 2012 to an estimated 83.7 million in 2050. These demographic advances, however extraordinary, have left our health systems behind as they struggle to reliably provide evidence-based care to every older adult at every care interaction.

What Is an Age-Friendly Health System?

Age-Friendly Health Systems is an initiative of The John A. Hartford Foundation and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), in partnership with the American Hospital Association (AHA) and the Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA), designed to meet this challenge head on.

Age-Friendly Health Systems aim to:

  • Follow an essential set of evidence-based practices;
  • Cause no harm; and
  • Align with What Matters to the older adult and their family caregivers.

Learn more about upcoming Action Communities and the new Online Course with Coaching

What Does It Mean to Be an Age-Friendly Health System?

Becoming an Age-Friendly Health System entails reliably providing a set of four evidence-based elements of high-quality care, known as the “4Ms,” to all older adults in your system: What Matters, Medication, Mentation, and Mobility.

4Ms Framework of an Age-Friendly Health System

4Ms Framework ​of an Age-Friendly Health System (with descriptions)

Learn more about How to Practice the 4Ms by Care Setting

IHI Initiatives

Join the Age-Friendly Health Systems Movement

Why Become an Age-Friendly Health System?

Connect and Learn with the Age-Friendly Health Systems Movement

Join Friends of Age-Friendly Health Systems for updates about the movement, notification about quarterly webinars, access to experts, and further support on the 4Ms Framework.

Upcoming Webinar: Coming Soon

Join Friends of Age-Friendly Health Systems

Receive updates on the Age-Friendly Health Systems movement, invites to quarterly webinars, access to experts, support on the 4Ms Framework, and more.

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Prioritizing the Care That Matters Most to Older Adults Across the Care Continuum

Need Help or Have Questions?

Email the IHI Age-Friendly Team at

Email IHI