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10 IHI Innovations to Improve Health and Health Care

This curated publication highlights 10 ideas that have emerged from IHI's systematic 90-day innovation approach, including reflections on the Triple Aim, the concept of a health care Campaign, the Breakthrough Series Collaborative model, and other frameworks.


  • For each innovation: What It Is, How It Started, How It Evolved, Success and Challenges, What's Next, Where to Learn More

10 IHI Innovations to Improve Health and Health Care. Cambridge, MA: Institute for Healthcare Improvement; 2017. (Available at

In 2006​, IHI made a formal commitment to innovation by establishing a Research and Development team and a process to consistently produce new thinking that would challenge the entrenched models that result in low-value, poor-quality care.

To do this, we employed a classic innovation technique: Looking outside of health care, we studied the work of leading innovators from the fields of industry, manufacturing, and energy. We borrowed and adapted, and built a systematic approach to creating new knowledge — sequential 90-day “waves” of projects to tackle vexing questions raised by our partners, our communities, and our patients.

This curated publication highlights 10 ideas that have emerged from that systematic approach, and reshaped how and what IHI has committed itself to over the years:

  • Breakthrough Series Collaborative Model
  • Framework for Spread and Scale-Up
  • Evidence-Based Care Bundles
  • Patient Flow
  • IHI Global Trigger Tool for Measuring Adverse Events
  • 100,000 Lives Campaign
  • IHI Triple Aim
  • IHI Open School
  • A Framework for Achieving Health Equity
  • Continuous Value Management

Within these pages, you will find reflections on frameworks and fresh thinking that have been replicated around the world. The leaders behind these concepts reflect on the trajectory of each innovation — where it has been, what challenges it still faces, and what potential it has to improve health and care in the future.

10 IHI Innovations Overview

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