Age-Friendly Health Systems Join the Movement

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Age-Friendly Health Systems: Join the Movement

Ways to Get Involved

IHI offers multiple ways for health systems and individuals to join the AFHS movement based on your specific needs.

  • Join an Action Community: Great resource for teams looking to implement age-friendly care in their health system or practice.
  • Enroll in the IHI Online Course with Coaching: Excellent opportunity for individuals looking to learn more about age-friendly practices and make an impact within their daily work.

Learn more about these opportunities below. 

Action Communities

Action Communities enable teams to accelerate reliable practice of the 4Ms in an active community of learners and testers. This 7-month journey to Recognition provides a structure for learning with and from other health systems and expert faculty. Over the course of the Action Community, teams participate in webinars and attend an in-person meeting (when possible) and develop their plan for practicing the 4Ms to improve care in their health system.

Action Communities are scheduled periodically throughout the year and facilitated by IHI or other organizations. ​If your health system or practice is interested in the Action Community,​​ see the upcoming opportunities below.

Upcoming Action Communities

Action Community: Begins Spring 2025

Register for the Spring 2025 Action Community

Facilitated by: Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Online Course with Coaching

The Online Course with Coaching is a new, in-depth course that teaches the elements of the 4Ms Framework and develops your ability to provide age-friendly care in various settings, including hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and home health agencies. Get started with age-friendly care as an individual and learn to act as a champion of age-friendly care within your health system.

IHI online courses with coaching combine self-directed sessions and live virtual instruction facilitated by expert IHI faculty. This design gives learners flexibility with their schedule, without sacrificing the deep learning that occurs with our specialized faculty.

Continuing education credits for this program are still being finalized and will be updated shortly.

Register for the March 2025 Online Course with Coaching 

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Participation

Some health systems are able to adopt the 4Ms without requiring the intensive support of an Action Community or Scale-up Accelerator services. IHI now offers this pathway for systems that are motivated and want to start right away without waiting for an Action Community enrollment opportunity.

Consultative Services

For organizations committed to providing age-friendly care, IHI offers customized consultation support to achieve system-wide spread. This includes specialized services aimed at supporting system leadership, clinical leadership, and point-of-care operations to adopt 4Ms care practices through all types of care settings within the health system.

For more details and cost of service, please reach out to our team at

State-Based Age-Friendly Health Systems Support

Everyone has a role to play in providing evidence-based care to older adults within a state. For years, organizations, such as hospital associations and non-profit organizations, have spearheaded the spread of the 4Ms across their networks and states. 

The organizations listed below are providing engagement opportunities and additional support to health systems seeking Age-Friendly Health System recognition within their state. Formal guidance for organizations on State-based Age-Friendly approaches coming soon!  

US StateOrganizationPoint of ContactE-Mail
ColoradoAlzheimer's Association Region 4Danelle Hubbard, Health Systems
KansasKansas 4M Geriatrics Workforce Education ProgramTeri Kennedy, Project Director/Principal
NebraskaNebraska Hospital AssociationMatt Lentz, Quality
New YorkHealthcare Association of New York State (HANYS)Lance San Souci, Associate
Pennsylvania*Jewish Healthcare Foundation (JHF)Maureen Saxon Gioia, Nurse Project

*The current focus of JHF is to engage only nursing homes across Pennsylvania.

If you’re interested in learning more about state-based age-friendly care or want to lead an approach across your state or region, email  

Get Recognized as an Age-Friendly Health System​

Join Friends of Age-Friendly Health Systems

Receive updates on the Age-Friendly Health Systems movement, invites to quarterly webinars, access to experts, support on the 4Ms Framework, and more.

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Prioritizing the Care That Matters Most to Older Adults Across the Care Continuum