
Career Growth & Professional Development

Join IHI’s global community of learners and access limitless opportunities for educational and career advancement. Develop clinical competencies, expand your leadership skills, earn CEUs, achieve accredited certifications — virtual or in-person. Let us help you acquire the practical knowledge to improve health and health care worldwide. Get started today.
Career Growth and Professional Development

Learn, Connect, and Grow with IHI

IHI Patient Safety Congress, March 10–11

Are you passionate about ensuring safe, equitable care for all? Join us at the IHI Patient Safety Congress on March 10–11, 2025 – the must-attend event for those who continue to shape ​​smarter, safer care for patients, from the hospital to outpatient settings to the home.​

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IHI Patient Safety Congress
IHI improvement doctor

Certified Professional in Patient Safety

Certify your knowledge and demonstrate your patient safety expertise. The Certified Professional in Patient Safety credential (CPPS) is earned by professionals who have demonstrated a high level of proficiency in the core standards of patient safety.
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Skill Enhancement

Por meio de programas de educação e treinamento, o IHI equipa indivíduos com o conhecimento, as ferramentas e as técnicas necessárias para identificar áreas de melhoria, implementar práticas baseadas em evidências e liderar efetivamente iniciativas transformadoras nos sistemas de saúde.

Career Growth

A proficiência em metodologias de melhoria da qualidade capacita indivíduos para liderar iniciativas que melhoram a qualidade do atendimento, levando a maior reconhecimento e avanço na carreira.

Networking Opportunities

A participação nos programas do IHI oferece acesso a uma rede de profissionais e especialistas com ideias semelhantes na área da saúde, o que pode abrir portas para oportunidades de orientação e desenvolvimento de carreira.